Our Journey

On June 15 we left Moscow, Russia after 10 years here as a family and returned to California overland. Traveling with 3 kids by train, boat and car through Europe, across the Atlantic and then across the US may not be your idea of a relaxing summer vacation. It was not ours either, but it was the trip of a lifetime!

Friday, July 18, 2008

DAY 30: Journey's End

July 15

For pioneers crossing the Great Basin, the Sierra Nevada Mountains were the last, great, daunting obstacle before they reached the promised land of California. For us, they were a welcome sight, a grand, glorious welcome home from the Golden State. As one last attempt to help the kids understand what it must have been like for their forbears, who made the trip without DVDs, air conditioning, cars, roads or even food, we visited the Emigrant Trail Museum and the Pioneer Monument at Donner Memorial State Park.

From Donner Pass, we made the familiar drive across the state, and soon were emerging from the Caldicott Tunnel into a sunny Oakland afternoon. We had done it. We had traveled half way around the world in 30 days.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! What a wonderful account of if all you have on this blog...I hope you have the chance to get it in written form to pass on to generations to come (although by then "written form" may be obsolete!). Enjoy family and staying put for a little while, and keep in touch, too!

Anonymous said...

Great Job!!! So exciting that you all had your adventure of a lifetime. We had a great time reading about your escapades. Love the Beyar Clan