Our Journey

On June 15 we left Moscow, Russia after 10 years here as a family and returned to California overland. Traveling with 3 kids by train, boat and car through Europe, across the Atlantic and then across the US may not be your idea of a relaxing summer vacation. It was not ours either, but it was the trip of a lifetime!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DAY 17: Part 2 The New York Experience

Still July 2
Remember how I said all our plans were falling through with our housing but we were trusting that God had something worked out? Our last day on board, Todd got an e-mail from a good friend who lives in Brooklyn. We were hoping to see Andy and his family, but their apartment was too small to house both them and all five of us. The sad news from Andy, is that they were suddenly called away out of town and we wouldn't get to see them. The good news is that they would loan us their apartment to stay in while in town. While we are disappointed to have missed the chance to see them except for an all too short dinner with Andy, we are extraordinarily grateful that we have a place to stay in Brooklyn. Quiet but still close to the city. Thank you Stein Family!! Again and again thank you!

Also, awaiting us upon our arrival in New York is Matt from MATS who is delivering to us our new/used car. MATS is a non-profit group that helps missionaries on furlough purchase or lease cars. They have been super-helpful and were able to find for us a car that we trust will be able to withstand the rough journey we have ahead of us in the next few months. The boys have christened her the Silver Bullet and she is lovely. She comes equipped with all sorts of bells and whistles that we will be discovering as we trek across this vast country of ours.

For now, though, it's off to Brooklyn and then to Manhattan to see the Empire State Building. Our lovely Queen Mary slips out of the New York Harbor on her way to Boston while we are distracted by the glamour of New York.

After admiring the view of New York
We get a brief glimpse of Andy at dinner before he heads off to Long Island for the weekend. Then we head off to the American Girl Store because Katie's dear Felicity has had a few mishaps as she crossed the pond. Her shoe was lost somewhere in the Atlantic and she is looking a little windblown. The boys are extraordinarily patient while Felicity gets her hair done.

We are exhausted but exhilerated and looking forward to two more days to explore this huge town.

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