Our Journey

On June 15 we left Moscow, Russia after 10 years here as a family and returned to California overland. Traveling with 3 kids by train, boat and car through Europe, across the Atlantic and then across the US may not be your idea of a relaxing summer vacation. It was not ours either, but it was the trip of a lifetime!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sunday Evening: And we're off!

READY! Well, not quite ready. As Nick calls to tell us he's waiting downstairs to take us to the train station we are scrambling to water the plants, , stuff the last few things into the already bulging suitcases, taking care not to forget important things like leaving the keys to the Beyar's apartment for the next housesitter.

We make it to the car, but then Todd says he needs to stop at the old apartment to drop something off. Christopher says "Can we PLEASE stop calling it the old apartment. Old means itæs broken or cracked or something. Let's call it the previous apartment!" Point well taken and extra credit for good vocabulary, Christopher!'

We dash off to the train station as the sun is setting (around 10pm) and the lighting over the gilded domes of many lesser known churches on our way is glorious. And Iæm wondering if I AM ready. There is still so much we have never seen, so much we wanted to see again, friends we did not get a chance to say farewell to... but the fact is, we would never have the time to do it all and I AM ready as I ever will be, even if it doesn't feel quite ready enough.

SET! As we arrive at the train station and begin unloading more kids and suitcases than can be easily managed by two people, we are met bytthe cheery faces of friends who took up the challenge to see us off at the station. Oh! what a wonderful sight! Christopher's good friend Victor was there! Katie and her pal Tehillah hopped excitedly around the suitcases. Andrew and Tehillah compared loose teeth. Even baby Zoe giggled and cooed despite being kept up so late. As our train pulled in everyone grabbed a bag and before I knew it all was safely stowed and we still had plenty of time to take photos and enjoy being together a few minutes more. As soon as it was time to board the train, Hugo gathered us in a circle and prayed for our journey and our future. I cannnot imagin a more perfect send-off! Thanks you so much to Hugo, Rika, Victor, Tehillah, Zoe, Sasha, Mandy, and Kari! And thank you to others who couldn't make it but sent their best wishes. We both received and appreciated them!

GO! At precisely 10:50 pm the train started rolling slowly out of the station. Dear Victor ran alongside waving for awhile, but slowly we pulled away and Christopher fell into my arms, sobbing. Soon we were all sitting in our compartment, tears flowing as Moscow quietly slipped past us in the window. THAT, my friends, Todd explained, is why we are taking this trip. To be able to shut ourselves in the compartment and cry together, to acknowledge to ourselves and to our kids that it HURTS to let go of so much and tears are absolutely appropriate, to grow together as a family as we grieve is all priceless.

After the tears are dried and the jammies are donned we finally settle down to sleep, something is different about our family. We are TEAM KERNS and we ARE ready for the Amazing Race that is set before us.

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