Our Journey

On June 15 we left Moscow, Russia after 10 years here as a family and returned to California overland. Traveling with 3 kids by train, boat and car through Europe, across the Atlantic and then across the US may not be your idea of a relaxing summer vacation. It was not ours either, but it was the trip of a lifetime!

Monday, June 30, 2008

DAY 12: First Day on the QM 2

First impressions of life on board: We are very pleased to find out that our cabin attendant, Ruslana, is from Ukraine and speaks Russian. She takes a great interest in Katie.
The kids are enjoying the kids’ program. There are only about 100 or so kids on board which does little to bring down the average age which is probably somewhere around 75. The other passengers seem at least tolerant, if not charmed by the youthful exuberance of the kids, especially when they are dressed for the formal occasions. Todd has managed to rent a tux, complete with shoes that a previous voyager left behind. Katie has her silk dress from e-bay that she has worn to all her school parties. For budget travelers, we sure clean up nicely and are perfectly presentable to meet the captain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wondered what Tom Cruise was up to. nice to see he found work!