Our Journey

On June 15 we left Moscow, Russia after 10 years here as a family and returned to California overland. Traveling with 3 kids by train, boat and car through Europe, across the Atlantic and then across the US may not be your idea of a relaxing summer vacation. It was not ours either, but it was the trip of a lifetime!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Balance Sheet

Things I will NOT miss about Russia:

1. Having the hot water shut off for maintenance for 3 weeks in May, when there are still snow flurries outside

2. Snow flurries in May

3. Wrestling small children into 12 separate articles of clothing each, every morning before school and every afternoon to come home.

4. Sometimes unpredictable and always unavoidable traffic jams

5. Traffic police

6. Finding parking among 50 places around a building with 200 apartments

7. Crowded sidewalks, crowded streets, crowded buses, crowded metro

Things I WILL miss about Moscow: (hint: there is music to this slide show, so you may want to pause the playlist if you haven't already)

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