Mueshka is our cat. He's a beautiful Russian Blue housecat who has been part of our family for 9 1/2 wonderful years. He thinks he is an extremely rare Pygmy Gray Tiger (we let him watch way too much Animal Planet) but for US Customs purposes he is a neutered housecat whose only value is in the comfort and companionship he provides for our family. To us he is priceless and so we will do whatever it takes to get him to the US. It will take quite a lot. Grandma has graciously offered to come and get the cat and fly with him back to the US, but Mueshka is a terrible traveler. When we moved to this apartment he arrived foaming at the mouth, feet dripping sweat, inches away from a heart attack. Our previous residence was 15 minutes away by car. This is NOT going to be easy.
So, a couple of months ago we began Project Mueshka. We pulled out the cat carrier and tried to get the cat used to the idea of traveling. The first night we tried to take him down the elevator and back up (20 floors each way). It did not go well. He drooled and yowled miserably. We tried again and again for weeks and were seeing no progress. Friends suggested sedatives for the flight but I don't think we could give him enough sedation to keep him calm without killing him. I begin to wonder if this is all possible after all but the kids are firm and I can't bear to say good-bye either. So we press on.
Last week, Christopher and I went to the pet store with the airline's dimensions for a proper cat carrier and bought him a leash and harness as well. The weather has been unseasonably warm and so we slipped the harness over Mueshka's unsuspecting and trusting shoulders and headed for the elevator. No drool! We came back up the elevator, got Andrew and Katie and some sand toys and headed for the playground. Mueshka and I sat on the bench and listened to the birds while the kids played for about 20 minutes. Still no drool! This is starting to look promising! We repeat the exercise a few more times and now it is time to start phase 2 of his training.
Phase two is a trip in the car. Due to scheduling reasons, this trip ends up being a bigger deal than we originally planned. On our way to Awana we stuffed the sleeping Mueshka into the new cat carrier and packed him off to school. We arrived with a rather unhappy cat, but still no drool and he seemed to enjoy the story time and the attention of the girls. Then off to baseball practice in the park. Mueshka is little bit scared of the dogs, but is still holding up heroically since he has been out and about for about 3 hours now. Remember, this is the cat that had a panic attack in the elevator 3 weeks ago. On the way home from practice Christopher begs to hold the cat in his carrier on his lap. About 3 blocks from our house we are stuck in heavy traffic and Christopher says "Uh, oh. Mueshka is beginning to drool!" Poor baby, I thought, maybe we've pushed him too far on his first day. Andrew asks if he can hold the cat and comfort him, so we shift him over to Andrew's lap. I look at the wet spot on Christopher's pants and it begins to dawn on me. "Um, Christopher, I don't think that's drool." Now both boys are shreiking "EWW! Grooossss! Drive faster Daddy!" but it is rush hour and it's a really slow light. Now I am really glad that I caved in their request to hold the cat!!
So, the good news is that Mueshka clearly feels at home in his cat carrier and is fine to travel. Also, we have discovered just how at home he feels. It's good to know this info now and not when Grandma has him on the airplane so we can take some precautions.
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